Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Repotting and preparing for our lambs

With only a few more days until the sheep due dates, we are just finishing up our preparations. The bonding areas are full of fresh straw and clean buckets. The girls, much to their dismay. all got their shots this weekend, and of course lots of animal cookies. So now we wait, hopefully we will have some exciting news and pictures by the weekend!

The rest of our time has been spent mostly preparing plants for outside. We have hundreds of tomatoes, some peppers, strawberries and flowers started now. We have all different stages at the moment, and have been repotting until we run out of room!
Here are some of the stages of growth. 

We had quite a few of the more stable plants out in the green house today. While out in Mom's little greenhouse I got some other shots of what's growing..

Nice and green, looking great : )                        Some gardenias Mom planted

Some of our strawberry plants from last year that we brought in.  The outside ones were coming up nicely until our little herd of teenage chickens found them. Hopefully they didn't pull up the whole plant, little brats. 

And of course, the beets that we're very excited about! I think they are looking great! And they taste great too, can't wait to get what is growing in the dirt.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

So the growing begins...

My mom sent me these photos to add...

Mom is super excited with all her sprouting seedlings - some ordered, some saved from last year.

There's other little things that will be springing out and about soon too - aside from the growing plants, we're waiting for baby sheep to arrive on the farm as well!

Happy spring!